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Friday, September 12, 2014

Waterfalls - Painting with Light (Using Flash Guns)

This photograph was taken shortly after a rain storm. Composing this shot was tricky since there was water everywhere and I was not willing to put my feet or equipment in it. However after some scouting, finally gave in and placed both my feet and tripod in the water. Using a wide angle lens set the aperture to f/16 and hyperfocused using manual focus. I purposefully underexposed the scene and tried a couple of shots until I was satisfied with the composition and metering. Then during an exposure (in this case 20 seconds) I used my flash (zoomed to 105mm) handheld - set at 1/128 took a flash shot on the green rock on the right and then ran behind the camera and took a couple of flash shots at the grass in the center from the left side of the scene (as shown below). And viola! that was it.

I had never tried "painting" with light during the day but it worked out better than I had expected.

Camera setting: ISO 100, f/16 and 20sec exposure.
Photoshop:  Increased contrast, corrected white balance and boosted saturation.


  1. This one is great!.. love this image!.. very crispy look, just print and put on the wall.

    I also tried this technique with flashes and 10 stops ND filter but did not see any addition to the exposure even with flash on the full power, i wonder what was wrong?

    Your image has visible flash effect even at 1/128th power.

    I want try this technique in Fashion photography.

    Your feedback is much appreciated.

  2. Gregory - thank you for your comments. Since you were using a 10 stop ND filter a flash gun would have almost no effect on the exposure (unless you kept firing away at the same location multiple times), just to put things in perspective. To gather an equal amount of light for a regular 20s exposure using a 10 stop ND filter would 5h 41m 20s. I hope this clarifies your query.
    Thanks again AG

  3. Right, Ankit, i calculated the exposure with 10 stopper based on the android based exposure +ND calculator app. and the sky was great, etc but i didnt have any sign of flash as i mentioned. hmm so i need to get into this subject further, any books, articles recommended about this subject?

    this 5h 41m 20s scares me as hell, as it looks like i didnt have a clue what i was doing!

    Your feedback is much appreciated.

    1. Not a problem Gregory - the primary reason for this blog is to learn from one another. I appreciate your curiosity on this matter and your input. Check out for more info on ND filter and shutter speed.

  4. Beautiful shot... I like the foreground of rocks..
