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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Detail extraction

Nutrient Highway
© Ankit Gajjar - All Rights Reserved

Extracting details from leaves it fairly straight forward, however some people find it difficult to get the lighting right or getting a sharp image. I saw this leaf in the park close to home. To get the image it is usually as simple as placing the leaf in between the sunlight and the camera and taking the shot. However, this was not the case since it was drizzling rain and very windy, so the image captured was not very sharp and lacked detail.
This shot was taken indoors in a controlled environment so the leaf would not move due to any wind and I could adjust the light as needed.
Place a light source (external flash, bright window or a table lamp) behind the leaf, adjust the distance between the light source and the leaf so the part of the leaf you want to shoot is correctly illuminated, check the histogram on your cameras LCD to determine the correct illumination. Set the camera on a tripod and click. In this case, I did not have a tripod with me so I set the ISO to 400 which gave me a shutter speed of 1/50s at f/6.3. I used a remotely controlled external flash set at 1/2 power set about 18 inches behind the leaf. This allowed the light to be spread evenly across the leaf.
See image below for setup:


  1. Does writing © Ankit Gajjar - All Rights Reserved helps? BTW I had snapped such photo with my phone and looks awesome as wallpaper.

  2. Thanks for your comment. Copy right is a very serious issue with web based images. It does help to inform the viewers that the image is copy righted and that its use is limited unless authorized by the owner.
