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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Road to Grandma's House...(Red Riding Hood)

I saw this path in a park in Harrisonburg VA. Walking the trail I did not think much of it, but turning back and looking at the road I just walked through, immediately took me back to the story tail of "Little Red Riding Hood."  I tried and composed the scene as best as possible with the lens I had available with me (35mm prime) but I was not able to capture the entire scene as I wanted. I finally gave up and walked back to my car picked up my 15-85mm lens and walked back to this scene.
I composed this shot at 15mm. Sadly, I did not have a model available to photograph with the scene. So, here it is "The Road to Grandma's House."

Camera settings: ISO400, f/16, 1/40s