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Saturday, September 27, 2014

Central Park Silhouette - Easy enough for anyone to shoot

From past experience whenever I see an opening (door, window, tunnel, etc) to bright light the first though that comes to mind is to shoot a silhouette (how to shoot a silhouette).  In this case as soon as I saw the bright horizontal lines of the stairs I knew breaking the lines with a strong dark contrasting vertical would be the perfect eye catcher. So I composed the scene, metered correctly (fired a couple of test shots) and waited.

I was hoping to capture a couple holding hands going through the center opening but was not so lucky. So I waited a little longer, and finally got the perfect candidate walking through the center arch way.

Lightroom: Converted to black and white, increased contrast, reduced blown highlights

Camera settings: ISO 400, f/2, 1/800s

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