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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Cloud Cover is Perfect for Creating Dramatic Images

©Ankit Gajjar - All Rights Reserved

The first though that came to mind when I woke up and saw a cloudy day was to go to the beach, not to swim but to take pictures. So I did. 
I added a polarizing filter to my lens, adjusted it to reduce the reflections on the sand and waves. The diffused light allowed for slower shutter speeds 1/10s. I adjusted the aperture for maximum depth of field (DOF) f/22 at ISO 100.  And here are the results. 
Black and white seems to be the best choice, in my opinion, in emphasizing drama. If we had clear blue skies the level of drama in these images would be much less. 

Photoshop: Converted to selective black and white, reduced the highlights and boosted the contrast. 

©Ankit Gajjar - All Rights Reserved

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