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Friday, October 17, 2014

How to Create a Painterly Effect using Slow Shutter Photography?

 Slow shutter (long exposure) photography can be used to create many effects, one of those effects was discussed in my earlier post on star bursts.

The trick to photograph the effect shown above is to set your camera to shutter priority (Tv or S mode). Then set your shutter speed to 1/4s - 1/2s, any thing longer that 1/2s will reduce the visibility of the landscape or cityscape.
The images above were shot at 1/3s, ISO 400 and the aperture to whatever the camera processor set it to. Compose your photograph, and as you click the shutter quickly move your camera up and down. It may take a few different compositions or images to get something that looks pleasing to you. But keep practicing and you should be able to capture beautiful painterly photographs.

Optional step post processing: Boost the saturation up and decrease the contrast. A softer looking image will make it look more painterly.


  1. this is an awesome effect. :)

    1. Thank you...stay tuned for more similar tips and tricks...
